Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Case You Missed It

There have been some goings on among the pop-culture world and regular world so in case you missed it, check it out here!

Ok, I didn't watch so shoot me. Honestly, I don't really get into award shows all that much. It usually starts with two or three good awards, then they do crappy awards and montages and tributes for three hours and then they do the really good stuff at the very end when everyone is too tired to even care anymore. BUT I do hear things and read, and I see that my very favorite, Taylor Swift beat out Beyonce for Album of the Year to which I say HOORAY! I absolutely adore T-Swift and I think that Kanye should now eat his words from the VMA's.

Sandra Bullock
Nominees for the Academy Awards were announced today, and no surprise, Sandra Bullock was nominated for Best Actress for her role in The Blide Side. The Blide Side was also nominated for Best Picture. Seeing as how this is the only movie that I have seen out of the nominees for Best Movie I think it should win. But no, really. The movie was amazing and Sandra Bullock rocked out as Leigh Anne Touhy.
In other news, Sandra Bullock was nominated for a Razzie for Worst Actress for her work in All About Steve. Shocker. Did anyone even see this movie? It is a bit shocking that she go nominated for both Best and Worst Actress. Talk about best/worst week ever. A little ironic, dontcha think?

Punxsutawney Phil Makes An Appearance On Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil
Well that little f&$%^*#, a#%&*^@ rat saw his shadow today. So you know what that means, kids - six more weeks of winter. That rat sees his shadow every year, and let's face it, the sun was not shining in Punxsutawney, PA today. That rat didn't see anything but a bunch of people. What a crock. I woke up this morning and didn't see my shadow and I can tell you that there is still going to be six more weeks of winter, and probably more! About the only thing I like about Groundhog Day is the movie, oh and it's my grandparents wedding anniversary!

So, now you are all caught up... kinda :-)