Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Whatever Wednesday

I unfortunately don't have much to write in the way of television, but I feel like writing something, so this could come out sounding very random, but you know, it's Whatever Wednesday.

  • First of all, is it already Wednesday? Wait, almost Thursday? I'm not complaining, by any means, but I'm just surprised by how fast this week is going. Lately the weeks have been d.r.a.g.g.i.n.g. by and it's nice to know that the week is almost overAdd Image. Now just get me through Thursday and Friday and we are into the weekend!
  • Speaking of the weekend, the husband and I have an overnight trip planned to Indianapolis to see a Pacer's game. We are both super excited to just get away for a little bit. We love to do little things like this every now and then because are a carefree, childless couple. Why not celebrate it instead of feeling sorry for ourselves?
  • I have a random cut in the crook of thumb and hand. I keep randomly hitting and it hurts to the highest heaven. Ok, it's not that bad, but it still hurts and is annoying. I wish it would just heal already.
  • At my work we are lucky enough to have FSA's - Flexible Spending Accounts - if we so choose. For the first time, I signed up for one thinking of all the medical expenses I was going to incur with infertility. I haven't actually made a claim until today and I am uber excited thinking about the money that is coming my way.
  • Speaking of work... it's been stressful. We have (just now) been struggling with the crappy economy and there are been a lot of (not so fun) changes around the office. I, luckily, have not been part of those changes as of yet. I thank my lucky stars everyday, but it often feels like I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  • I may or may not have re-watched every episode of Kell on Earth. Whatever, I don't care.
  • I really want to read Kelly Cutrone's book, If You Have to Cry Go Outside. I will read it, learn to bitch at people and boss them around and effectively take over the world. Ok, maybe not, but add it to my list of dreams.
  • I have decided that Bravo is my most favorite channel. If the cable company called tomorrow and said that I had to get rid of all channels but one, I would definitely pick Bravo.
  • Remember when I wrote about Veronica Mars? Ok, probably not, but I did because it is one of my favorites. Seasons one and two are now playing on the WB. So for the love of all that is holy, go watch it! If you don't take any of my other advice, take this advice and get a little VM in your life.
  • I just had a fabulous idea for a blog post, but you are going to have to wait as it is going to take some time to research. Yes, I said research.
  • Today a friend of mine told me that my knowledge of pop culture was unparalleled. I don't think I have ever gotten such a high compliment before.
  • I am totally joking about that being the highest compliment I have ever received.
  • ....Or am I?

I hope you enjoyed Whatever Wednesday. I know I did!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Have a Dream...

Ok, don't get too excited now. It is nothing as lofty or worthy as Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream or anything relating to my career or family life, but it is a dream nonetheless.

But before I get into my dream (or rather dreams), a little background is necessary.

Typically on my lunch break at work, I go to the lunch room and watch TV with some of my co-workers. It has become a bit of a tradition if you will. We don't do it, but we do it often. Usually between the hours of 1 and 2 you will find downstairs in the lunchroom watching two particular shows. Now, you are probably thinking, "This is where she tells us she wants to be a soap star" or "She's decided to go to community college to get her degree in the fastest growing field, health care!" But I will tell you that you are wrong on both counts. For I don't really aspire to act and let's face it, me? in health care? HA! I'd run miles in the other direction if someone said their stomach hurt.

But back on point to my dream. We watch these shows - (and all the horrible commercials that play during daytime TV) Family Feud and Who Wants to be a Millionaire (with stinky Meredith Vieira not Regis). So, now are you getting a feel for what my dream is? Yes dear readers I want to be a contestant and both of these shows because I think, no I dare say I know, I would be good at them. Now I know you are thinking, "Whoa dream big!", but that is fine. We all have silly dreams that we dare to dream.

Family Feud - Village People vs. Disco Divas
And like any dreamer, I already have the whole thing worked out in my mind. For Family Feud, I wouldn't actually take my real family (sorry family). I would actually take people I work with for my team. We practice everyday at lunch and there are a handful of us that are damn good if I do say so myself. I may even hold open auditions at work to fill spots to ensure that I am getting the best possible team together. No silly answers from anyone on my team! That would be embarrassing. We would of course moonlight as a family as that is the whole point of the show. We would be sisters, cousins, aunts... you get the picture. We would definitely win the maximum number of times - 5 and America would love us.

Fifth Annual National Love Our Children Day
Then there is Millionaire. I don't honestly believe that I could make it all the way to the million dollar question - and if for some reason did, I don't know that I would actually know that answer. I have a healthy dose of confidence when it comes to all things trivia, but I do not have any delusions of grandeur. In fact, my goal would be to make it to $25,000 and anything after that would be gravy. Part of the whole thing is strategy. For example if you are going to use lifelines, you have to know how to use them correctly. You can't be asking the audience a question really anything past $16,000. You have to assume that at that point, the audience is just as stupid as you are when it comes to that. Also, be careful about saying what you think that answer might be, as that will skew what other people think it might be. The other key is having the perfect people to call in phone a friend. My people would be: my husband, my dad and my friend Nick. They all have limitless knowledge in very different areas and I know that between the three, one of them would know the answer. And finally, you have to keep that Meredith Vieira quiet because she talks way.too.much. We are here to win money Mer, not shoot the breeze. It's not personal, it's just business (well maybe it is personal as I can't stand the woman).

So there are my lofty ambitions. And if I ever make it, I will be sure to blog about the experience.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

That's a Fact

With every good show on hiatus, I am lacking on TV blogging ideas so I thought I'd write a little more about myself because I am that vain. So without further ado here are 25 random factoids about moi (in no particular order):

  • I met my husband when we were in high school. Yes, high school. We went to different but we met through mutual friends. We then went to the same college and married and lived happily ever after.

  • I hold a special place in my heart for all things pink and green and turtles. Whenever I see anything with this color combination or with a turtle, I stop and attention must be paid.

  • On the other hand, I am not a fan of the pink and blue combination. You will never see me wearing this colors together.

  • I love peppermint. I could eat it all day long. Here's a hint: for a special treat, place a peppermint in your coffee. It is sure to brighten your morning!

  • I have a sweet golden retriever mix named Carly. She is my child, and for right now, I prefer it that way.

  • I am sarcastic (as if you couldn't tell). Sometimes I think I am too sarcastic for my own good.

  • I love to quote movies and/or TV shows. I could probably have a whole conversation in entirely movie quotes.

  • My wedding colors were bright pink and orange with a hint of green. I know it sounds retched, but I think it was quite lovely.

  • In keeping with the wedding - I got married on the biggest wedding day ever - 7/7/07. And as if that weren't enough seven's, we had 7 bridesmaids, 7 groomsmen and the wedding started at 7. All of the 7's were purely coincidental. I promise.

  • When it comes to cleaning, I would prefer to clean the bathroom than ever do dishes.

  • I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

  • Ok, that last one was a lie.

  • I love to read. It's an escape from the every day life. For a brief moment in time, I can slip into another world entirely and forget about my problems for a while.

  • I love TV (duh), much for the same reasons I love reading. I have so many favorite shows, but my all time favorites are Sex and the City, Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars. Apparently I love shows with strong female characters.
    2006 Summer TCA Day 8

  • Any show, movie, character, TV personality, etc. that deals with infertility causes me to tear up just a little because I am all too familiar with the experience.

  • That being said, I just adore Jen Arnold from TLC's The Little Couple. The woman is not even four feet tall and she is conquering the world. The show in currently chronicling her journey to become a mother (carrying a child is not really an option for her) and I find her courage and optimism inspiring. I wish that I could be more like Jen Arnold. Add her to my list of people I want to be friends with.

  • In case you weren't keeping track that list includes Tim Gunn, Kelly Cutrone and now Jen Arnold.

  • I have a major fear of vomiting. I mean major. I don't want to do it and I don't want to be around people who are doing it. That's all I'm going to say about that.

  • I love purses. LOVE them. I could buy a new purse every week if my husband and bank account let me. I love everything from the very expensive to the cheapest of cheap. I'm not picky.

  • I went to Catholic School for 12 years and I thank God and parents every day that I had the privilege. I am proud of my Catholic school education and wouldn't trade it for anything.

  • I was in a sorority in college (if you look real closely at this list, you can probably figure out which one) and I loved it to bits and pieces. I still love it and wish everyday that I could go back.

  • I can't cook to save my life. Ok, I can make things from a box, but that is about it. Thank goodness I married a man who is a good cook.

  • I enjoy traveling, but don't get to do it nearly enough. Last year, I went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee; Mackinac Island, MI; Norris Lake in TN; Sacramento/San Francisco/Napa Valley, CA. This year so far all I have planned is a night in Indianapolis, IN and a week in Seagrove Beach, FL.

  • I truly enjoy my job and the people I work with. I don't think many people can actually say that.

  • I'm not much for sports, but if there is one sport I can watch an entire game of and not be extremely bored, it's basketball. More specifially Kentucky Basketball. There is just something about it. If you're not from here, you wouldn't understand.
    Kentucky News - February 02, 2010

  • And an extra since I wasted one with the Reno comment - I am from Kentucky and proud of it! I wear shoes, I am not married to my cousin, I have never dated a cousin, I can read, I have all my teeth, I don't smoke, I don't farm tobacco and No, I have never been to the Kentucky Derby.

I hope you enjoyed! Any questions, just ask!

You're On Notice

In this edition of Your On Notice, I'm taking on two big things:

I have just one question, when did Facebook get so lame and serious? Remember back in the day (geez I sound like a ninety year old lady) when Facebook was just for college students. You had to have a college email address in order to sign up, and in fact, your college had to be approved before you were granted entry into the private world of Facebook. It seemed so much more elusive than nappy old MySpace in which any old Joe Schmo could have a profile. But then things changed. Facebook expanded to include the general public. And there were fan pages, and advertisements. Parents started joining, then bosses and co-workers. Then companies started making fan pages and before you knew it, it was a marketing tool for people to network and grow their business. Huh? What happened to I'm just seeing what my friend Susie is up to these days? Then with the addition of the general public, it got serious. If you put up a status that you are sad, suddenly everyone is all over you saying that you are negative and you need to cheer up. Hmm, I didn't realize that I had to be rainbows and sunshine all the time. Then Lord help you if you put up a quote from a movie or a song. Case in point, the other day I posted by disdain for winter by changing some words to a Little Rascal's quote (Little Rascals for goodness sake!) and you would have thought I told the world I kicked puppies. Now granted, I know I can't expect everyone to recognize movie quotes like I can, but really. 95% of the stuff I put as a status update is silly and sarcastic. Hello, have these people met me? So all I'm saying is lighten people, it's just Facebook!

I mean, really, do I have to say anything other than this? I have had enough of the snow already. Enough is enough. Last time I checked this is Ohio/Kentucky, not Minnesota so kindly stop with the snow already. If I wanted to live in these conditions, I would find a more suitable place, but I don't, so kindly stop.

Moving on to other topics - Items of Interest

Today is the first day of Lent. Like a good little Catholic girl, I ate fish today and not meat. However, like a bad little Catholic girl, I did not go to Church. One out of two isn't bad, so I am sticking this in the success category. In keeping with Lenten tradition, I need to find something to give up or start doing. Any suggestions? I am thinking something along the lines of being a more positive person (which the beginning of this post totally negates that idea, but I haven't settled on anything, so fair game) and trying to stop speaking so negatively about things. Or, maybe I'll just give up posting statuses on Facebook. HA!

Half-Priced Books
I found this new store that opened by my house called Half-Priced Books that I am in love with (like I need another place to spend my money). I don't think I need to explain what the store is, as the name is fairly self-explanatory. They put two of my favorite things together - Cheap + Books = Cheap Books. Cheap Books = Happy Emily. So really everyone is a winner. At my inaugural visit, I picked up these books:

(images courtesy of Amazon)

So far I started with The Devil in the Junior League, and it's not terrible. It's a little little and fluffy "chick-lit", but I like it. It's entertaining (albeit a little over the top) and it's kept me interested so that's always a plus in my book. Next I'll probably read We Were the Mulvaneys in order to balance out the fluff. Anyone ever read any of these books? Thoughts?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Damn You Bravo, You've Done it Again!

What is it about Bravo? I tell you what, they have a knack for reality TV. They really do because they have yet again sucked me into their reality TV web with another show. Yes, another show because, clearly, I don't already watch enough TV. What is this new show that has me, dare I say, addicted? Kell on Earth, which stars this woman:

Kelly Cutrone Book Signing of 'If You Have to Cry, Go Outside' New York City

Kelly Cutrone is the founder and owner of the company, People's Revolution, which is a branding/marketing firm in the fashion industry. You may recogize her and/or the company if you watched The Hills as Whitney and Lauren worked for her for a period of time.

But before she was on The Hills, Ms. Cutrone made an appearance on MTV's True Life. I don't remember the actual subtitle of the show that she was featured on, but I am pretty sure it had to do with having a bitchy a boss or a horrible job or something to that effect. The episode followed Kelly's personal assistant who lived a rather difficult life. The woman yelled and screamed and practically beat her assistant into submission. I remember watching the episode with my husband and we were both shocked at this woman and at the fact that her poor assistant stayed with the job. She talked about quitting, but apparently it is an uber good company to work for in the fashion industry and she didn't want to let a position like that go.

Then when we saw her make an appearance on The Hills, we laughed. There was that bitchy woman in all of her bitchiness. Again, I can't remember the specifics as this is around the time I started to realize that The Hills was fake and boring and I stopped watching. But, if you have seen the episodes, you know who I am talking about and you know that she wasn't really a nice person.

So then we see a ad for this new show, Kell on Earth and we're all, "We're not watching that. We know all about the likes of her". Until we watched an episode by, um, accident. And that was all she wrote.

First and foremost? This woman is a bitch, but then again, she isn't. Is she tough? Yes. Is she direct? Yes. Is it always her way? Yes. Will she beat you into submission if she has to? Um, maybe. But I realized that overall, she isn't as big of a bitch as she was previously made out to be. I understand the biggest rule of reality TV and that is editing. So on the other shows that focused on other people and how Kelly affected them, then yes, she is going to come across as a huge wanker. Yes, I said wanker. But on this show, it's focused around Kelly and get you get to see more of the fashion side and let me tell you, it appears as though you have to be a bitch in order to make your way in the fashion world Because, honestly? Designers are self centered, egotistical, maniacs. They are slightly off kilter and will get angry and judgy over the simplest things. So if you are working in the fashion industry, you have to grow a thick skin and become tough. So Kelly is tough and she demands only the best of her staff and if you aren't willing to give it? Get the eff out of her way.

So Kelly Cutrone, I have gone from hating to you, to thinking that you are one smart, tough cookie. I only wish that I worked in an industry in which I could be direct people and tell them when they are stupid so that they learn to be smart or get to steppin'. I believe that I might even like to have you as a friend. You, me and Tim Gunn would get along just fine, I do believe.

Oh, and that assistant that considered quitting? Her name is Stephanie Skinner and she is now a Jr. Account Executive for People's Revolution.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Long Time, No See

Last week, my husband once again told me I have been a crappy blogger, and this time, I do agree. When was the last time I even wrote? Oh well, that is neither here nor there. So where have I been instead of writing fabulous blogs that entertain the world? Busy doing all sorts of things and of course watching my favorite shows. But since I don't really have any commentary on my shows this week, I thought I would share with you what I've been up to. You know, get to know a little more about little old me.

First up, we had a wedding, not this past weekend, but the weekend before. It was an interesting wedding and I mean that in a good way! It was traditional, but not all at the same time. Everything had a little bit a twist to it. For example, the music at the wedding, was all secular. The mothers walked down the aisle to "If I Ain't Got You" but Alicia Keys. The wedding party walked down the aisle to "Faithfully" by Journey. I am usually a traditionalist when it comes to weddings, but I really liked this take on a wedding.

After the ceremony, there was of course, a reception, which again was different than other receptions I have been too. The food was served at different stations that were open from 7:30 until 9:00. We got to eat before the bridal party arrived which was nice because we weren't waiting around for hours until we could eat. They also didn't have a traditional cake. They had a small cake that they used to cut and then they had tables that with all kinds of candy and cupcakes on them. Those too were open the whole time, so you could have your dessert first if you wanted!
The rest of the night was of course for fun:

There was dancing. Or, er, jumping rope. What? Don't you double dutch at weddings?

There was singing. Because fraternity brothers always have to serenade the bride.

There were glow sticks. Oh and fist pumping because this is the Jersey Shore World and we're just living in it.

There was an old man throwing out glow sticks. (I'm not real sure.)

And there were sorority sisters, who always know how to have a good time.

Yes, the wedding was good times, only made slightly annoying by snow and a horrid cold that I was suffering from, but I was a trooper and made it through. After that Saturday came Sunday (shocker) which was the Super Bowl. We watched it at a friend's house and we stuffed ourselves silly.

Then it snowed.
And it snowed some more.

Then my husband got said cold, just as I was feeling better.
Then I got these at work for Valentine's Day!

Sorry the picture is cockeyed. My stupid computer won't rotate it!

Aren't they pretty?

Then before I knew it, it was the weekend again. Friday night was spent with my brother and my family at my brother's fraternity family night. My brother is in the same fraternity (and chapter) as my husband. Here I learned that I am old and it is nothing like it used to be when I was in. This made me miss college. Saturday we lazed around until we went out to dinner and then went and watched the UK game with some friends. Finally Sunday, we went to church, cleaned (very much needed) and I made these:

Which, if you know me, is a huge accomplishment for me as I don't cook. Ever.

And then it snowed.
And it snowed.

And snowed.

And my dog Carly is about the only one who is enjoying the snow at this point as she makes snow angels in the back yard. If you can't tell, I am fed.up.with.snow. I am up to my eyes in snow (ok my shins, but still) and I have had enough. Enough I tell you!
Then the weatherman said on the news tonight that we can expect this to go for another 18 hours. And I cried.
And now you are all caught up.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Case You Missed It

There have been some goings on among the pop-culture world and regular world so in case you missed it, check it out here!

Ok, I didn't watch so shoot me. Honestly, I don't really get into award shows all that much. It usually starts with two or three good awards, then they do crappy awards and montages and tributes for three hours and then they do the really good stuff at the very end when everyone is too tired to even care anymore. BUT I do hear things and read, and I see that my very favorite, Taylor Swift beat out Beyonce for Album of the Year to which I say HOORAY! I absolutely adore T-Swift and I think that Kanye should now eat his words from the VMA's.

Sandra Bullock
Nominees for the Academy Awards were announced today, and no surprise, Sandra Bullock was nominated for Best Actress for her role in The Blide Side. The Blide Side was also nominated for Best Picture. Seeing as how this is the only movie that I have seen out of the nominees for Best Movie I think it should win. But no, really. The movie was amazing and Sandra Bullock rocked out as Leigh Anne Touhy.
In other news, Sandra Bullock was nominated for a Razzie for Worst Actress for her work in All About Steve. Shocker. Did anyone even see this movie? It is a bit shocking that she go nominated for both Best and Worst Actress. Talk about best/worst week ever. A little ironic, dontcha think?

Punxsutawney Phil Makes An Appearance On Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil
Well that little f&$%^*#, a#%&*^@ rat saw his shadow today. So you know what that means, kids - six more weeks of winter. That rat sees his shadow every year, and let's face it, the sun was not shining in Punxsutawney, PA today. That rat didn't see anything but a bunch of people. What a crock. I woke up this morning and didn't see my shadow and I can tell you that there is still going to be six more weeks of winter, and probably more! About the only thing I like about Groundhog Day is the movie, oh and it's my grandparents wedding anniversary!

So, now you are all caught up... kinda :-)

Monday, February 1, 2010

FAME - I'm Going to Live Forever

I'll be honest - I have never seen the show or the movie Fame, BUT I have seen the real life Fame AND it's in my backyard or front yard depending on how you look at it. With the ending of Jersey Shore (tear) another show has filled the Thursday night line-up on MTV - Taking the Stage which is in it's second season.

At first glance, I probably wouldn't have thought much about this show, but it takes place at the School for the Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) which is part of the Cincinnati Public School System. And being from the area, well I had to check it out, and I was not disappointed.

Before I go on, you might be wondering why a school that is part of the Cincinnati Public School system is the focus of an MTV show because really, what it so special about Cincinnati? The school (as you can probably guess) focuses on creative and performing arts - to the point that students pick a major and follow that course through their years at SCPA. Even though it is technically a public school, not all students can attend. There is a rigorous audition process and students must show extreme talent in their field of study.

What else is special about this school? Maybe it's their list of notable past students:


Carmen Electra

Ford 400

These Guys

And my absolute favorite...

Photo by: Raoul Gatchalian/ ©2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 12/14/09 Sarah Jessica


There are so many things that I enjoy about this show. First and foremost, I love that it is about a school is a city that I call home (ok, I'm from Kentucky, but I am about 5 minutes from Cincinnati so shoot me). It's so much fun to watch and say, I've been there! I've seen that! The best part - I went to dinner last spring downtown with my friends and I was so jealous because they saw one of the kids from the show on Fountain Square! Right there. In public. Just like she did on the show. AND I MISSED IT! I just kick myself.

But other than my narcissistic, self-serving purposes, I love the show because these kids have talent, which, let's face it, so many people on reality TV lack. For example, I love Jersey Shore, but these kids are famous for partying, getting drunk, fighting and hooking up. Now don't get me wrong, this is a high school so there is your fair share of drama with dating, the competition among each other, the stress of auditions for various things and the stress to do well. There is jealousy and backstabbing with singing and dancing mixed in. It's like a cross between Laguna Beach and Glee without the extreme cattiness and random outbursts of singing. All performing is within context, I promise.

So check it out, Thursday on MTV because, let's face it, what are you watching now that Jersey Shore is over?