Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Have a Dream...

Ok, don't get too excited now. It is nothing as lofty or worthy as Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream or anything relating to my career or family life, but it is a dream nonetheless.

But before I get into my dream (or rather dreams), a little background is necessary.

Typically on my lunch break at work, I go to the lunch room and watch TV with some of my co-workers. It has become a bit of a tradition if you will. We don't do it every.single.day., but we do it often. Usually between the hours of 1 and 2 you will find downstairs in the lunchroom watching two particular shows. Now, you are probably thinking, "This is where she tells us she wants to be a soap star" or "She's decided to go to community college to get her degree in the fastest growing field, health care!" But I will tell you that you are wrong on both counts. For I don't really aspire to act and let's face it, me? in health care? HA! I'd run miles in the other direction if someone said their stomach hurt.

But back on point to my dream. We watch these shows - (and all the horrible commercials that play during daytime TV) Family Feud and Who Wants to be a Millionaire (with stinky Meredith Vieira not Regis). So, now are you getting a feel for what my dream is? Yes dear readers I want to be a contestant and both of these shows because I think, no I dare say I know, I would be good at them. Now I know you are thinking, "Whoa dream big!", but that is fine. We all have silly dreams that we dare to dream.

Family Feud - Village People vs. Disco Divas
And like any dreamer, I already have the whole thing worked out in my mind. For Family Feud, I wouldn't actually take my real family (sorry family). I would actually take people I work with for my team. We practice everyday at lunch and there are a handful of us that are damn good if I do say so myself. I may even hold open auditions at work to fill spots to ensure that I am getting the best possible team together. No silly answers from anyone on my team! That would be embarrassing. We would of course moonlight as a family as that is the whole point of the show. We would be sisters, cousins, aunts... you get the picture. We would definitely win the maximum number of times - 5 and America would love us.

Fifth Annual National Love Our Children Day
Then there is Millionaire. I don't honestly believe that I could make it all the way to the million dollar question - and if for some reason did, I don't know that I would actually know that answer. I have a healthy dose of confidence when it comes to all things trivia, but I do not have any delusions of grandeur. In fact, my goal would be to make it to $25,000 and anything after that would be gravy. Part of the whole thing is strategy. For example if you are going to use lifelines, you have to know how to use them correctly. You can't be asking the audience a question really anything past $16,000. You have to assume that at that point, the audience is just as stupid as you are when it comes to that. Also, be careful about saying what you think that answer might be, as that will skew what other people think it might be. The other key is having the perfect people to call in phone a friend. My people would be: my husband, my dad and my friend Nick. They all have limitless knowledge in very different areas and I know that between the three, one of them would know the answer. And finally, you have to keep that Meredith Vieira quiet because she talks way.too.much. We are here to win money Mer, not shoot the breeze. It's not personal, it's just business (well maybe it is personal as I can't stand the woman).

So there are my lofty ambitions. And if I ever make it, I will be sure to blog about the experience.


Brittany said...

It would definitely be cool to be on a game show. I would pick the Price is Right (with Bob though). One of my good friends was on Millionaire for college week. She even won some money!