Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Damn You Bravo, You've Done it Again!

What is it about Bravo? I tell you what, they have a knack for reality TV. They really do because they have yet again sucked me into their reality TV web with another show. Yes, another show because, clearly, I don't already watch enough TV. What is this new show that has me, dare I say, addicted? Kell on Earth, which stars this woman:

Kelly Cutrone Book Signing of 'If You Have to Cry, Go Outside' New York City

Kelly Cutrone is the founder and owner of the company, People's Revolution, which is a branding/marketing firm in the fashion industry. You may recogize her and/or the company if you watched The Hills as Whitney and Lauren worked for her for a period of time.

But before she was on The Hills, Ms. Cutrone made an appearance on MTV's True Life. I don't remember the actual subtitle of the show that she was featured on, but I am pretty sure it had to do with having a bitchy a boss or a horrible job or something to that effect. The episode followed Kelly's personal assistant who lived a rather difficult life. The woman yelled and screamed and practically beat her assistant into submission. I remember watching the episode with my husband and we were both shocked at this woman and at the fact that her poor assistant stayed with the job. She talked about quitting, but apparently it is an uber good company to work for in the fashion industry and she didn't want to let a position like that go.

Then when we saw her make an appearance on The Hills, we laughed. There was that bitchy woman in all of her bitchiness. Again, I can't remember the specifics as this is around the time I started to realize that The Hills was fake and boring and I stopped watching. But, if you have seen the episodes, you know who I am talking about and you know that she wasn't really a nice person.

So then we see a ad for this new show, Kell on Earth and we're all, "We're not watching that. We know all about the likes of her". Until we watched an episode by, um, accident. And that was all she wrote.

First and foremost? This woman is a bitch, but then again, she isn't. Is she tough? Yes. Is she direct? Yes. Is it always her way? Yes. Will she beat you into submission if she has to? Um, maybe. But I realized that overall, she isn't as big of a bitch as she was previously made out to be. I understand the biggest rule of reality TV and that is editing. So on the other shows that focused on other people and how Kelly affected them, then yes, she is going to come across as a huge wanker. Yes, I said wanker. But on this show, it's focused around Kelly and get you get to see more of the fashion side and let me tell you, it appears as though you have to be a bitch in order to make your way in the fashion world Because, honestly? Designers are self centered, egotistical, maniacs. They are slightly off kilter and will get angry and judgy over the simplest things. So if you are working in the fashion industry, you have to grow a thick skin and become tough. So Kelly is tough and she demands only the best of her staff and if you aren't willing to give it? Get the eff out of her way.

So Kelly Cutrone, I have gone from hating to you, to thinking that you are one smart, tough cookie. I only wish that I worked in an industry in which I could be direct people and tell them when they are stupid so that they learn to be smart or get to steppin'. I believe that I might even like to have you as a friend. You, me and Tim Gunn would get along just fine, I do believe.

Oh, and that assistant that considered quitting? Her name is Stephanie Skinner and she is now a Jr. Account Executive for People's Revolution.


Anonymous said...

I love reading your stuff.