Monday, June 28, 2010

You're on Notice

In this addition of "You're on Notice", we are going to be taking on some varied and interesting topics, so sit back and enjoy!

I am really sick and tired of people describe how the got pregnant as an accident because I don't get it (this could potentially be a cross post of things I don't get). How can something like that be an accident - especially if you aren't using any form of birth control?! For someone in my situation this is obviously much more annoying than to the average bear. I hear it though and my blood boils. "We weren't even trying!" "It was such a surprise!" "It was just an accident!". In my honest and most humble opinion, if you weren't using any sort of protections then you really shouldn't be all that surprised and it wasn't really an accident. And if you are still surprised, then maybe someone should have the birds and bees talk with you. My favorite getting pregnant story is this - someone I know stopped taking BC, started taking pre-natal vitamins and when she ended up pregnant she said, "We weren't really even trying!". Really? The lack of BC and prenatal vitamins seem to suggest otherwise. The only time I can except any of these statements is when you have been diligently using BC and you still end up pregnant. Otherwise? It's not an accident. For once, I would love to hear someone say, "We have been trying and it finally happened!"

So I know that everyone and their brother is upset with BP over the oil spill, but some of us have vacations planned to the Florida Panhandle in the very near future. Vacations that have been planned for over a year and can't just be changed at the drop of a hat. No sir. So kindly get off your butts and get to steppin'! Mama wants to go on vacation and enjoy it! Not see black beaches and oily water! At least the house we are staying at is beautiful and has a private pool:

Again, I am sure not many people are going to disagree with me here because there is plenty that is wrong with Wal-Mart, but I can just say this? I am cheap and pretty much buy most of my makeup and beauty products from drug stores (gasp!) because I just can't justify spending that much money on things like that. So I found it very irksome that for the past, I don't know, six or seven months that I have run to Wal-Mart looking for my brand of eyeliner they have been sold out each.and.every.time! I don't get it! It's not like they have discontinued it because they have other colors. I refuse to believe that I just keep hitting the store at odd times. I feel as they they have run our nearly seven months ago and they are too lazy to re-stock! Or they don't know. Either I find it very annoying because I refuse to go to Walgreens as they are a good dollar more expensive (did you miss the part where I told you I was cheap??). So kindly stock your shelves Wal-Mart for the cheapies like me.

And surprisingly enough, that is all that is bothering me today!

*Images via


Brittany said...

I can see how people can say they weren't trying. We always say that if we do not use protection and it happens, then it happens. We're not necessarily trying, but we wouldn't be horrified if it happened either. That's how I look at that. I also want to add that when I said "we" it was generalized. WE (me and hubs) are not planning to try for a while, but that's how we look at it.
When I asked a friend about it once she said they weren't trying, but they wanted to see what would happen, and she got pregnant. I think if people say that they're trying that means it was more than a 1 or 2 time deal and they've been waiting a while. Just my opinion!! :)