Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can You Keep a Secret?

I have a secret to share. I am embarrassed to say it, but what the hell, right? I like... One Tree Hill. Shameful, I know! It is by far one of my favorite guilty pleasures.

Cast Of Tree Hill At FYE Music Store
Why am I so ashamed? Because, well, it's lame. Ok, I said it. The show is lame. The lamest, but I love it so. I'm not really sure why I like it as it's lame as previously stated, but I like it! The drama, the silliness of the drama. It's just so easy to get lost in the goofiness. Why is it so lame? Because the things that happen would never, in one hundred million years! Seriously? How many high schoolers do you know get married in high school and not because they aren't pregnant? I'm going to go with slim to none. How many high school students do you know have severely absent parents? By severe, I mean they aren't there. At all. I can think of three occasions on the show where this happened. How many people in your graduating class were extremely accomplished by the age of 22? By extremely accomplished I mean own their own clothing line, own their own record label, write a best-selling novel and almost become an NBA star? Again, I am guessing slim to none.

Unfortunately, the show took an odd turn this past season and let two of it's main characters go - Chad Michael Murray and Hillarie Burton. I mean really? Can you say suicide? Coincidentally, I have no interest in watching this season. I have no interest in watching a show that changes so drastically. Ok, ok, once the season hits The WB I'll be watching with bated breath. What can I say? I'm a sucker. So despite all the silliness and the things that would never happen in one hundred million years, I'm still a closet fan.


Kali Ramey Martin said...

I really like One Tree Hill too. I love the music and I LOVE Sophia Bush.

EmilyBill said...

I agree! The music is pretty good. It has turned me on to some new things.