One of my current favorite shows on TV is The Little Couple on TLC. The show follows Bill and Jen - two newlywed little people. I have written about Jen before as I find her to be an inspiring person in more ways than one, and lately that has really been no different. Recently, they have been dealing with starting a family and the reality that Jen physically probably shouldn't carry a child because of her size. While this is totally different than the issues I face with infertility, I still find myself relating to her and finding encouragement in her struggles to become a mother.
A few weeks back, the episode was about their travels to Florida to celebrate Christmas with their families and of course the subject of starting a family came up. Both Bill and Jen's family asked about it, but there was a scene with Bill's father that really struck me. He was asking them about starting a family and saying how disappointed he was that they weren't really sure of their plans and that they weren't sure if there would be a baby within the year. It was such an odd thing because you would think that he would know the situation they are in the decisions they have to make. Why would you put that pressure on them? I only watched a tidbit of the scene because I made my husband fast forward through it because I was uncomfortable watching it. You could see though on their faces that they weren't really sure how to respond because it can be such a sensitive subject and I felt physically uncomfortable watching the scene.
The reason I felt so uncomfortable is because I have been in situations similar to that more than once. It's always hard when someone asks when we are going to start a family. I know that they don't mean anything by it and they couldn't possibly know, so I don't blame people for asking. I've taken to being blunt about it by simply saying we would like to have a family someday but we are having problems. I don't mean to make them uncomfortable or make them feel bad, but I want them know. Otherwise I find that they keep asking which only makes the situation more awkward. Which is what I don't understand. I can understand asking someone in casual conversation, but sometimes it feels like I'm being badgered about it. I once even had someone tell me that "I wasn't getting any younger". Um, thanks for pointing that out, I guess? I would like to say that I handle these situations with grace and finesse, but I am not sure that I always do. In situations like that, when I don't feel comfortable explaining my problems, I usually smile and shrug my shoulders. What else can you do? What I would like to do is yell "I AM INFERTILE, BUT THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN ABOUT MY AGING UTERUS!!" But I am a nice person and wouldn't want them to feel the discomfort that I feel.
So what is my point? I'm not really sure other than I just felt like sharing what was on my mind.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Just.... Frustrated
Posted by EmilyBill at 7:37 PM 1 comments
Labels: infertility, TLC
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Things Your High School Principal Probably Shouldn't Do
- Moving from Indiana to California with some of his students. Ok, so this is not technically what happens and most of you are probably scratching your heads, but before there was SBTB, there was Good Morning Miss Bliss which has Mr. Belding, Zack, Lisa and Screech. When the show moved to NBC, they scrapped the rest of the characters, kept the four and moved them to California. I just think it's odd they all moved together...
- In the above mentioned episode, Mr. Belding gives Zack and Slater love advice and then when they "lose" their mates, they form some sort of guys club which includes having Mr. Belding hang out in Zack's room while the order pizza and talk about girls. Very odd. I do believe that if this really happened, the principal would probably be facing some jail time.
- In the episode, The Surgery, Zack hurts his knee when he runs into Mr. Belding (add it to the list of far fetched). Mr. Belding feels awful for "hurting" Zack so he promised to make it up to him, by taking his math take home test for him. Um, what? I don't know of any teacher let alone principal that would find this to be acceptable behavior. Aren't the adults supposed to be charge here? I guess at Bayside High that was never really the case.
- During, Student Teacher Week, the kiddos get to take the place of the "adults" and take over as teachers. Kelly gets to be a history teacher and Zack gets to be the principal. One would think that they would just get to hang out with the teachers and principal, but this SBTB! Zack has full authority as principal and Mr. Belding lazes around the school like a student. In fact, he pretty much refuses to help Zack in a sticky situation because he wants Zack to learn to be an "adult".
- In a late episode during what I like to call the "Unexplained Tori Years", Mr. Belding's wife is pregnant and allows the gang to throw her a baby shower during class time. Again, what principal is so close with his students that they know his wife and want to throw her a shower, more importantly during school? What about the other kids who still had class weren't they jealous?
- In another episode during the "Unexplained Tori Years", the school is left with a sizable donation from a deceased alumnus. Rather than making the decision of what should be done with the money, Mr. Belding allows the girls and guys to face off against one another to see which gender's sport should get the money. They have all kinds of challenges all in order to see who gets the money. Now, I went to Catholic School. Catholic School runs on sizable donations, and I can tell you that never once, did my principal ask what I wanted to do with the money? I'm just saying...
And I'm sure there are many more instances of the lovable Mr. Belding doing being so principalably (yes, it's a word), but this is a good start. The unbelievable nature of most of the episodes are just another reason to love this goofy show.
Posted by EmilyBill at 8:38 PM 4 comments
Labels: Saved by the Bell, TV
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Happy is as Happy Does
Do you know how once you step away from something for a while, for whatever reason, you find it hard to come back? I swear, I haven't written an entry in about a week and it was hard to find the motivation to write! It just seemed like such a daunting task, the more I thought about it. I always do that and I don't know why. But either way, I am here and actually writing!
What I noticed is that in my absence Meaghan tagged me to make a list of things that currently make me happy - and honestly? I could really use this as a reminder that that certain things do make me happy if if I have been super grumpy the past few days.
- My husband. It is nice to know that no matter what, I have someone who is rooting for me and is on my side. He is my best friend and I enjoy the time we spend together if it is just me blogging and him playing video games (which is currently who we are spending our time)
- Reading a good book. I just finished, "All We Ever Wanted Was Everything" and I couldn't put it down. There is just something about a book that keeps you captivated.
- Episodes of Gilmore Girls and Sex and the City. Do I really need to explain this one?
- Ann Taylor Loft - which I pretty much just discovered this weekend. Seriously. I mean I knew it existed, but I had never really thought much about it. Then I went in. This was both a good and bad thing. Good because I am in love. Bad because I am in love and want to buy one.of.everything. I don't think my poor little bank account can take it. But seriously, love.
- The Olympics are OVER which means all shows should return their regularly scheduled programming. Amen.
- Encouragement and thoughtful words from people when you least expect it. I've had a rough few days and I got an email from someone saying they were thinking of me. It seriously brought tears to my eyes because, sometimes, I am a sap.
- Vacations!! We just took a weekend trip to Indianapolis and we are planning another trip to Gatlinburg for later in the year.
- My dog Carly. She is just so sweet and lovable. How could she not make me happy?
- The fact that it's supposed in the 50's this weekend. It gives me hope that spring may actually be just around the corner (although I am not holding my breath).
There now. I feel a little better about life. And I am supposed to tag some other people, but I am not sure who has/hasn't done this, so I am tagging anyone who reads this and wants to do it. I will say it's rather cathartic.
Posted by EmilyBill at 7:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: fashion, Me, Random, Sex and the City