Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You're On Notice

I admit it. On occasion I have been known to be a bit... negative. I don't always look at the silver lining or the bright side of life. It is in this aspect that I love to vent. Usually when something really irritates me, I have to vent and so it is in this spirit that I bring you - You're on Notice - meaning "you're on my list".

Teen Pregnancy Shows
This is becoming an epidemic I fear. First you have the Secret Life of the American Teenager. Then you have Sixteen and Pregnant and Teen Mom. Now there is some whacked out Lifetime movie called the Pregnancy Pact. All shows center around pregnant teens. Now I am sorry, but when did teenage pregnancy become "cool"? I must have missed that memo but I'm here to tell you that it's NOT (and it's a good thing this wasn't cool when I was in high school or I would have been a real loser!). What is cool about struggling to make ends meet? What is cool about having a child on your own and changing your whole future? I think that they try to show how hard it is to be a pregnant teen, but really I think there are some kids out there who think that it would be cool. I will go on the record saying that I have never watched any of these shows and really I refuse to (I have personal reasons, obvs). Ok, ok, I will be watching an episode of Sixteen and Pregnant as one girl is from my Alma Mater and they taped at the school. This wouldn't be a big deal except that my Alma Mater is a CATHOLIC SCHOOL. An ALL GIRLS Catholic School mind you, run my NUNS. What these people were thinking, I will never know, but I will checking it out. Stay tuned for that entry.

Progressive Car Insurance
Their commercials drive me up a wall. I can't stand that stupid lady with her ugly hair, red lips and annoying voice. I swear, the commercial alone is enough to make me NOT want to buy their car insurance. Now, that is poor advertising.

Ok, Greek isn't totally on my list, but I do have a gripe. The college is supposed to be located in fictional Cypress Rhodes, Ohio and I guess the producers took a little creative license with the word "fictional". For if you live in Ohio, you know that if you return to the state after Christmas break, the grass will not be green, the sky will not be blue, the trees will not have leaves, the sun will not be shining and your friends will not be dressed for the spring. It snows in Ohio and it's gray and cold in the winter. Clearly, this is not Ohio. Why didn't they just make it California which is obviously where they film.

People Who Don't Yield
Yeah I know it has nothing to do with TV, but I was thinking about this today. To get on the expressway from my house there are two directions of traffic that get on and one is supposed to yield to the other. These people that are to yield never do and.it.drives.me.crazy. So I speed up and don't let them over as I feel it is my duty to teach them how to yield as they never learned to do so. If no one else is going to do it, I might as well.

Really, UK (as in the University of Kentucky, not United Kingdom) you're losing right now? To South Carolina? Don't you have a number one seed to protect? Pull you're head out of you're you know what and PLAY!

And you know what the worst part of this entry is? I had a really big issue of something that was on "my list" and I can't even remember what it was!

I guess it really wasn't all that important then, was it?


chelsea said...

We're UK fans too. My husband is watching the game while I'm catching up on blogs.

Let's hope they win this one, but even if they don't - they're WAY better than last year! :)