Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You're On Notice

In this edition of Your On Notice, I'm taking on two big things:

I have just one question, when did Facebook get so lame and serious? Remember back in the day (geez I sound like a ninety year old lady) when Facebook was just for college students. You had to have a college email address in order to sign up, and in fact, your college had to be approved before you were granted entry into the private world of Facebook. It seemed so much more elusive than nappy old MySpace in which any old Joe Schmo could have a profile. But then things changed. Facebook expanded to include the general public. And there were fan pages, and advertisements. Parents started joining, then bosses and co-workers. Then companies started making fan pages and before you knew it, it was a marketing tool for people to network and grow their business. Huh? What happened to I'm just seeing what my friend Susie is up to these days? Then with the addition of the general public, it got serious. If you put up a status that you are sad, suddenly everyone is all over you saying that you are negative and you need to cheer up. Hmm, I didn't realize that I had to be rainbows and sunshine all the time. Then Lord help you if you put up a quote from a movie or a song. Case in point, the other day I posted by disdain for winter by changing some words to a Little Rascal's quote (Little Rascals for goodness sake!) and you would have thought I told the world I kicked puppies. Now granted, I know I can't expect everyone to recognize movie quotes like I can, but really. 95% of the stuff I put as a status update is silly and sarcastic. Hello, have these people met me? So all I'm saying is lighten people, it's just Facebook!

I mean, really, do I have to say anything other than this? I have had enough of the snow already. Enough is enough. Last time I checked this is Ohio/Kentucky, not Minnesota so kindly stop with the snow already. If I wanted to live in these conditions, I would find a more suitable place, but I don't, so kindly stop.

Moving on to other topics - Items of Interest

Today is the first day of Lent. Like a good little Catholic girl, I ate fish today and not meat. However, like a bad little Catholic girl, I did not go to Church. One out of two isn't bad, so I am sticking this in the success category. In keeping with Lenten tradition, I need to find something to give up or start doing. Any suggestions? I am thinking something along the lines of being a more positive person (which the beginning of this post totally negates that idea, but I haven't settled on anything, so fair game) and trying to stop speaking so negatively about things. Or, maybe I'll just give up posting statuses on Facebook. HA!

Half-Priced Books
I found this new store that opened by my house called Half-Priced Books that I am in love with (like I need another place to spend my money). I don't think I need to explain what the store is, as the name is fairly self-explanatory. They put two of my favorite things together - Cheap + Books = Cheap Books. Cheap Books = Happy Emily. So really everyone is a winner. At my inaugural visit, I picked up these books:

(images courtesy of Amazon)

So far I started with The Devil in the Junior League, and it's not terrible. It's a little little and fluffy "chick-lit", but I like it. It's entertaining (albeit a little over the top) and it's kept me interested so that's always a plus in my book. Next I'll probably read We Were the Mulvaneys in order to balance out the fluff. Anyone ever read any of these books? Thoughts?